It’s SLAY time!

Dillian Frelow is a self-acclaimed enthusiast with the passion of bringing any event to life. Dillian is known for his outgoing and bubbly personality and he displays that in every breath he takes. He has hosted community programs throughout the DFW & LA Metropolitans, sporting events for the Dallas Cowboys and Texas Rangers at Texas Live!, weddings, and was selected as a speaker for TEDxUTA.

All he needs is a microphone so he’s always ready for showtime!


Crowns are a symbolization of Royalty. Ask yourself what it means to feel regal and what makes you important enough to have power?

The answer to that question is that we’re all royalty! We all have something to offer to this world no matter how big or small you may feel that impact is. You being alive and striving for greatness will always have a positive outcome. With every breath you take, you are redefining the odds; be it the odds that you may have against you or that you feel that may be against you.

Never forget that you are so special and never let anyone snatch your crown because you’ve earned it, it is your birthright. WE’RE ALL ROYALTY!


When I put on a cape, it makes me feel invincible. It makes me feel protected from anything that I may fear in the world… especially the way that the wind can move it in so many directions all at once reminds me that it flows best when it’s the most free.

Behind every outfit I adorn a cape with, it’s a symbolism and constant reminder for me to live freely and to let the wind take me to where I’m supposed to be. I hope my capes inspire you to do the same in life.

Take a moment to ask yourself — when do you feel the most free? And whatever the answer, you should go to that place every chance you get.

Fun fact: Most people don’t know that my first ever cape was a tablecloth used at a block party event that I took and wore with pride around my neck! It was a MOMENT! (In my mind at least lol)