Slay was a word that saved me. It was a word that allowed me to escape all of the negativity in the world and also in my life. It was a word that gave me power and so much joy. When it rolled off my tongue, it was so fun to say. I remember being at one of the lowest points in my life when I was in college, still trying to figure out what path I should take. The small little voice inside of me was constantly telling me to follow my dreams as a famous emcee/ host. I was so afraid to share my passion with the world because everyone would just shut it down and laugh at how silly and rare that dream was.

I remember telling my advisor at the time when she asked, “What’s next? What do you want to do in life?” I wholeheartedly responded, “I would love to be a host like Shaunda”. Shaunda was this gorgeous woman with perfect blonde hair and she always had the most mesmerizing outfits! She was an amazing emcee who was also a UTA Alumnae and hosted all of the home basketball games. Little did she know, she was one of my biggest inspirations. My advisor responded, “Take a look at Shaunda, she has the look to be an emcee”. Here I am… sitting uncomfortably in an office chair that’s barely holding my big ‘ole self up, my boobies sagging and draping to my stomach, black skin… just felt handicapped and paralyzed in that moment. In my head, I told myself, “…well, you can lose the weight, but shoot, I can’t and would never want to change this black melanin skin, honey!”

I remember sitting there looking pathetic and my mouth being glued together because I didn’t fight back. I allowed her to say that right to my face and I didn’t even defend myself. I remember going home, staring at myself in the mirror listening to Beyoncé’s ‘Formation’ and the words that I kept repeating to myself was “I SLAY”. That word symbolizes a promise to myself that I will never allow anyone to take my joy, my dreams, my happiness away from me; nor will I stand and witness that to happen to anyone in my presence. Since then, I’ve gone on to host over 15 university programs as an emcee/ host. At 22 years old, I was recruited to be the in-person host for new game-watching venue [Texas Live!] that had the capacity of holding over 6,000 fans. I’ve been blessed to host over 100 events annually and even achieved my goal of being selected as a speaker at TEDx. To think that these are a few outstanding events I have been blessed to be apart of is unfathomable. I say all this to say, never give up on what you’re destined to do. If someone tells you you don’t have “the look” for something, tell them, “Good, I’ll open up so many doors that haven’t been opened before” and show the world how to S.L.A.Y.!



